DualGAN training loop

Defines the loss and training loop functions/classes for DualGAN.
set_seed(999, reproducible=True)



 DualGANLoss (dualgan:torch.nn.modules.module.Module, l_adv:float=1.0,
              l_rec:float=1.0, l_idt:float=0.0)

DualGAN loss function. The individual loss terms are also atrributes of this class that are accessed by fastai for recording during training.


self.dualgan (nn.Module): The DualGAN model.

self.l_A (float): lambda_A, weight of domain A losses.

self.l_B (float): lambda_B, weight of domain B losses.

self.crit (AdaptiveLoss): The adversarial loss function (either a BCE or MSE loss depending on lsgan argument)

self.real_A and self.real_B (fastai.torch_core.TensorImage): Real images from domain A and B.

self.gen_loss (torch.FloatTensor): The generator loss calculated in the forward function

self.cyc_loss (torch.FloatTensor): The cyclic loss calculated in the forward function



 compute_gradient_penalty (D, real_samples, fake_samples)

Calculates the gradient penalty loss for WGAN GP



 DualGANTrainer (n_crit=2, clip_value=0.1, l_gp=None)

Learner Callback for training a DualGAN model.



 dual_learner (dls:fastai.data.load.DataLoader,
               m:upit.models.dualgan.DualGAN, opt_func=<function RMSProp>,
               loss_func=<class '__main__.DualGANLoss'>,
               show_imgs:bool=True, imgA:bool=True, imgB:bool=True,
               show_img_interval:bool=10, metrics:list=[], cbs:list=[],
               lr:Union[float,slice]=0.001, splitter:<built-
               infunctioncallable>=<function trainable_params>,
               wd:Union[float,int,NoneType]=None, wd_bn_bias:bool=False,
               train_bn:bool=True, moms:tuple=(0.95, 0.85, 0.95),

Initialize and return a Learner object with the data in dls, DualGAN model m, optimizer function opt_func, metrics metrics, and callbacks cbs. Additionally, if show_imgs is True, it will show intermediate predictions during training. It will show domain B-to-A predictions if imgA is True and/or domain A-to-B predictions if imgB is True. Additionally, it will show images every show_img_interval epochs. OtherLearner` arguments can be passed as well.

Type Default Details
dls DataLoaders DataLoaders containing fastai or PyTorch DataLoaders
m DualGAN
opt_func Optimizer | OptimWrapper Adam Optimization function for training
loss_func callable | None None Loss function. Defaults to dls loss
show_imgs bool True
imgA bool True
imgB bool True
show_img_interval bool 10
metrics callable | MutableSequence | None None Metrics to calculate on validation set
cbs Callback | MutableSequence | None None Callbacks to add to Learner
lr float | slice 0.001 Default learning rate
splitter callable trainable_params Split model into parameter groups. Defaults to one parameter group
path str | Path | None None Parent directory to save, load, and export models. Defaults to dls path
model_dir str | Path models Subdirectory to save and load models
wd float | int | None None Default weight decay
wd_bn_bias bool False Apply weight decay to normalization and bias parameters
train_bn bool True Train frozen normalization layers
moms tuple (0.95, 0.85, 0.95) Default momentum for schedulers
default_cbs bool True Include default Callbacks

Quick Test

horse2zebra = untar_data('https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~taesung_park/CycleGAN/datasets/horse2zebra.zip')
folders = horse2zebra.ls().sorted()
trainA_path = folders[2]
trainB_path = folders[3]
testA_path = folders[0]
testB_path = folders[1]
dls = get_dls(trainA_path, trainB_path,num_A=100)
dual_gan = DualGAN()
learn = dual_learner(dls, dual_gan,show_img_interval=1)
Start Fit
   - before_fit     : [TrainEvalCallback, ShowImgsCallback, Recorder, ProgressCallback]
  Start Epoch Loop
     - before_epoch   : [Recorder, ProgressCallback]
    Start Train
       - before_train   : [TrainEvalCallback, DualGANTrainer, Recorder, ProgressCallback]
      Start Batch Loop
         - before_batch   : [DualGANTrainer]
         - after_pred     : [DualGANTrainer]
         - after_loss     : []
         - before_backward: []
         - before_step    : []
         - after_step     : []
         - after_cancel_batch: []
         - after_batch    : [TrainEvalCallback, Recorder, ProgressCallback]
      End Batch Loop
    End Train
     - after_cancel_train: [Recorder]
     - after_train    : [Recorder, ProgressCallback]
    Start Valid
       - before_validate: [TrainEvalCallback, Recorder, ProgressCallback]
      Start Batch Loop
         - **CBs same as train batch**: []
      End Batch Loop
    End Valid
     - after_cancel_validate: [Recorder]
     - after_validate : [Recorder, ProgressCallback]
  End Epoch Loop
   - after_cancel_epoch: []
   - after_epoch    : [ShowImgsCallback, Recorder]
End Fit
 - after_cancel_fit: []
 - after_fit      : [ProgressCallback]
epoch train_loss adv_loss_A adv_loss_B rec_loss_A rec_loss_B D_A_loss D_B_loss time
0 -1.225994 -0.965739 -0.931990 0.354460 0.353114 -0.010898 -0.002097 00:06
1 -1.383732 -0.999190 -0.998738 0.258967 0.261373 -0.000011 -0.000268 00:06
2 -1.448422 -0.999503 -0.999257 0.244793 0.240065 0.000066 -0.000068 00:06
3 -1.488793 -0.999653 -0.999547 0.240394 0.223500 0.000069 -0.000088 00:07
4 -1.529549 -0.999728 -0.999568 0.212509 0.204648 -0.000021 -0.000083 00:07
5 -1.574171 -0.999754 -0.999664 0.190567 0.178492 0.000010 -0.000069 00:08
6 -1.633542 -0.999816 -0.999724 0.143122 0.139768 0.000010 -0.000058 00:08
7 -1.675023 -0.999844 -0.999737 0.129500 0.133948 0.000027 -0.000105 00:08
8 -1.706186 -0.999842 -0.999745 0.118132 0.129545 0.000022 -0.000052 00:09
9 -1.726011 -0.999837 -0.999760 0.118993 0.126145 -0.000012 -0.000052 00:09
/home/tmabraham/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fastprogress/fastprogress.py:74: UserWarning: Your generator is empty.
  warn("Your generator is empty.")
